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August 23, 2017 3 min read

What is washi tape?

One of the products I get a lot of puzzled looks about is washi tape. "But, what is it?" "What do you use it for?" are some of the questions I get asked when I sell at events. 

First things first, washi tape is- tape. So, what's the fuss? Well, it comes in lots of sizes, textures, and, most importantly of all, a ton of designs-- really amazing designs that suit every style and taste out there. Most washi tapes have a papery texture similar to masking tape. It's somewhat translucent and is available in lots of widths but the most common is 15mm which is about the width of your typical roll of tape.

So, let's say you find some washi tape that speaks to you. It's adorable, you cannot resist the allure, and you purchase it. What do you do with it? I mean it's tape, and it's super cute but you're drawing a blank on what to do with it other than stare at it and maybe fidget with it. It's ok, we get it. 

Pinterest (follow us, won't you?) is a fantastic source of ideas. There are some amazing and intense projects that use washi tape and that's fantastic but what if you just want to use your super cute washi tape for something fast, easy, and actually useful?

Here are five projects that are fast, easy, and useful. You don't need fancy supplies for any of these and they show how washi tape is excellent at taking something ordinary and making it magical. If you find yourself inspired, make sure to shop my assortment of washi tape and tag me on Instagram in your photos of your washi tape creations!

Washi Tape Tea Lights

Washi Tape Tea Lights
(Photo from justmakestuff.com)

This idea from justmakestuff.com is the easy and instant washi fix you need right now. Washi tape wraps perfectly around tea lights which are adorable in clear glass mason jars or tea light holders. It's a great way to pop some color on a surface or to coordinate with a party's theme.

Washi Tape Personalized Phone Charger

Washi Tape Personalized Phone Charger

(Photo from athriftymom.com)

If your house is like mine, chargers get the musical chairs treatment all of the time. This can often lead to a frustrating round of the Blame Game when chargers go missing and there isn't enough to go around or when a cord is broken and suddenly belongs to no one. Enter this brilliant and super easy idea from AThriftyMom.com. Claim your charger by using washi tape to decorate it and the cord making it undeniably yours. Bonus: brightly colored washi designs make it easy to spot!

Washi Tape Dividers

Washi Tape Dividers

(Photo from momruncraft.com)

If you use a planner, a bullet journal, a notebook, smash book, or a binder you're going to love this idea from Mom Run Craft. You can use washi tape to quickly and easily chunk up your book into sections that are easy to sort through and that leaves nothing sticking out like clips, for instance. The end result is a stunning array of colors and designs that will fill your color-loving heart with happy. 

Washi Tape Index Cards & Postcards

Washi Tape Index Cards

(Photo from @omiyage.ca)

It's time to get a little more artsy with your washi tape and this idea from Instagram user Omiyage.ca is the perfect way to get going. Decorate an index card with some washi tape and maybe add a cute accent sticker. You can use this to keep your school notes adorable and color-coordinated. Or you can do what she did and use them for snail mail! Write address information on the back, add a stamp, and you have an instant postcard. If your artistic side is bursting, you can decorate a plain white envelope with coordinating washi tape, stick your notecard inside, and send your bestie an old skool text message. I love this idea for leaving notes for your co-workers or sneaking in lunch notes to your sweetie or the kids. 

Washi Tape Binder Covers

Washi Tape Binder Covers

(Photo from iheartnaptime.net)

You may have noticed I've been gradually going up in sizes and complexity. This last project from I Heart Naptime might be the most time-consuming but it is still super easy to do and the wow factor is off the charts. You can use washi tape to make seriously gorgeous binder covers. It's a simple project with endless possibilities and lets you create something completely unique. The best part is, you're only decorating the inserts which means you can redecorate your binder over and over again! 

I hope I've helped you understand what washi tape is, how versatile it is, and how easy it is to work with. Don't forget to check out our collection of washi tapes so you can get going on your next washi tape project. 

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